02 03 Wild about Whisky: A winter dram best consumed in the middle of summer..... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A winter dram best consumed in the middle of summer.....

The Snow Grouse Blended Grain Whisky 40%
New make coated with a layer of icing sugar, the grain warm and pulsing in the depths, then iced coffee.
The palate is sweet 'n sexy, pouting 'n peppery, surprisingly no harsh notes associated with youth and grain but this is light and gentle. The finish is short, soft and dry.
With water, toffee and fudge are released on the nose but the young grain starts to bite at the back of the palate.
Trying it  neat and "seriously chilled" as suggested, there is almost nothing to smell but the dram is now thickly viscous and seriously sweet!. 80
Only available in South Africa to taste and purchase at Wild About Whisky in Dullstroom.

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